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When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Where are the Sheriff Sales held? Where may I find a list of properties to be sold?
When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Where are the Sheriff Sales held? Where may I find a list of properties to be sold?
Important Sheriff’s Sale Updates (03/04/19) The use of all electronic devices is prohibited at the Allegheny County Judicial Sheriff’s Sale. (10/06/14) All bids on real estate sheriff’s sales will be mandatory cost and tax bids
Cumberland County Sheriff Sale Listing. ... New Cumberland - Borough NEW CUMBERLAND, PA 17070 New Cumberland Borough: $112,376.77: Cancelled ( 11/12/2024 ) 2024-07131: The Ephrata National Bank vs. Trumpy A/K/A Jason D Trumpy, Jason: Matthew G Brushwood 610-376-6651: 218 North 27th Street
You may find it on our website under the Real Estate Sales page. 1. Where can I find a list of properties being offered for the Sheriff's Sale? 2. What is your advance fee for service and do you have service request forms?
There is a $2,000.00 deposit to the Treasurer's Office required for the filing of EACH real estate Sheriff’s Sale. This fee must be paid IMMEDIATELY upon filing; otherwise your filing WILL NOT. be accepted. All documents filed with the Sheriff's Office must contain legible, complete and accurate information.
However, pursuant to 72 P.S. 8101-C, et seq., the Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax will be paid by the sheriff out of the proceeds of the sale. Purchasers must record their own deeds and pay the...