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When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Where are the Sheriff Sales held? Where may I find a list of properties to be sold?
- Sale Listing
Cumberland County Sheriff Sale Listing. ... New Cumberland -...
- Upset Real Estate Tax Sale
Look at sale information related to Delinquent Real Estate...
- Sale Listing
Important Sheriff’s Sale Updates (03/04/19) The use of all electronic devices is prohibited at the Allegheny County Judicial Sheriff’s Sale. (10/06/14) All bids on real estate sheriff’s sales will be mandatory cost and tax bids
When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Where are the Sheriff Sales held? Where may I find a list of properties to be sold?
Cumberland County Sheriff Sale Listing. ... New Cumberland - Borough NEW CUMBERLAND, PA 17070 New Cumberland Borough: $112,376.77: Cancelled ( 11/12/2024 ) 2024-07131: The Ephrata National Bank vs. Trumpy A/K/A Jason D Trumpy, Jason: Matthew G Brushwood 610-376-6651: 218 North 27th Street
Look at sale information related to Delinquent Real Estate Tax Sales.
In addition to actions of mortgage foreclosure, the Sheriff’s Office is required to expose property to Sheriff Sale for non-payment of Allegheny County, Local Municipality and School District taxes.
30 gru 2020 · The Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate scheduled for Wednesday January 6 at 10AM is still on as planned. The location of the sale will be in the Jury Assembly Room on the 3rd floor beside the Sheriff's Office.