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When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Where are the Sheriff Sales held? Where may I find a list of properties to be sold?
- Sale Listing
Cumberland County Sheriff Sale Listing. ... New Cumberland -...
- Sale Listing
Cumberland County Sheriff Sale Listing. ... New Cumberland - Borough NEW CUMBERLAND, PA 17070 New Cumberland Borough: $112,376.77: Cancelled ( 11/12/2024 ) 2024-07131: The Ephrata National Bank vs. Trumpy A/K/A Jason D Trumpy, Jason: Matthew G Brushwood 610-376-6651: 218 North 27th Street
Sheriff’s Sale Court Order Updates. UPDATE 02/04/22 – Order of Court: Continuance of Sheriff Sale Proceedings for Certain Residential Real Estate. Before you continue, please read the court order from August 2020 regarding virtual sheriff’s sales. If you would like to participate in the virtual sale, you must register.
When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Where are the Sheriff Sales held? Where may I find a list of properties to be sold?
When do the Sheriff Sales take place? Sheriff's Sales of real estate are regularly scheduled four times per year (March, June, September and December). And all of our sales are held at 10:00 AM.
Should your property be among those listed for Sheriffs Sale, information and assistance is available by contacting the Allegheny County Sheriffs Office Mortgage Foreclosure Hotline at...
In addition to actions of mortgage foreclosure, the Sheriff’s Office is required to expose property to Sheriff Sale for non-payment of Allegheny County, Local Municipality and School District taxes.