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  1. Important information about unemployment benefits, claims, appeals, overpayments, and taxes for claimants, employers, and third-party agents (TPAs).

    • Employers

      CT Department of Labor CT ... SIDES is an online system that...

    • General

      Unemployment Insurance (UI) Contact: Unemployment Insurance...

    • Services

      November 18, 2024 CT Dept of Labor October Jobs Report...

    • Programs

      SIDES is an online system that helps employers respond to...

  2. 5 lip 2022 · If you are a new unemployment filer and don't have a ReEmployCT account: or: you created an account before July 5, 2022

  3. ReEmployCT offers 24/7 access and you can file for two previous weeks. In ReEmployCT, click on the Weekly Certification link if you have an open and active claim. It’s the second option on your account page in the Quick Links box. Unemployment Claim is the first link on your account page in the Quick Links box.

  4. › services › jobs-and-employmentUnemployment -

    Access the Department of Labor's Unemployment Benefits online system. Unemployment insurance claim system tutorials can be found. A portal to Connecticut Labor regulations, legislative research reports and list of general statues relating to unemployment.

  5. › accessct › facesReEmploy CT Login

    Log in to ReEmploy CT to manage your unemployment benefits and access related services.

  6. Unemployment Benefits; Filing Your Claim Online; Connecticut Department of Labor's Guide to Unemployment Insurance 2022; Direct Deposit or Debit Card? Overpayments and Penalties; Unemployment Separation Package (UC-62T/UC-61) (PDF) Unemployment Separation Notice - Fillable (UC-61) (a.k.a. pink slip) (PDF)

  7. Skill Up/ CT Back To Work Initiative - Resources to help job seekers get back to work quickly and safely The Numbers CTDOL Labor Situation - July 2021

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