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A list of Louisiana State Employees salaries by year, agency and employee.
Average state of Louisiana salary is $44,306 and median salary is $41,891. Look up state of Louisiana employee salaries by name or employer, using form below. For example, search for teacher salaries in your city by school name or teacher name.
We have 179,375 Louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of Louisiana salary is $44,306 and median salary is $41,891. Look up state of Louisiana employee salaries by name or employer, using form below.
14 wrz 2023 · The state of Louisiana has made a searchable database of state employee salary information publicly available. The database is available on the state’s financial transparency website,
The average employee salary for the State of Louisiana in 2023 was $59,218. This is 17.5 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 14.6 percent lower than other states. There are 40,034 employee records in 2023 for Louisiana.
Louisiana Employee Salaries. The average employee salary for the State of Louisiana in 2023 was $59,218. This is 17.5 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 14.6 percent lower than other states. There are 126,744 employee records for Louisiana.
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development employees: 4,463 average wage: $49,391