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5 lip 1993 · Crying Lyrics: I travel all around the city / Go in and out of locomotives / All alone / There's no-one here / And people everywhere / Crying 'cause I need you / Crying I can feel you /...
- Who Wrote “Crying” by Björk
Know something we don’t about “Crying” by Björk?Genius is...
- When Did Björk Release “Crying
Björk released “Crying” on July 5, 1993. The 50th Featured...
- Who Produced “Crying” by Björk
Know something we don’t about “Crying” by Björk?Genius is...
- Live 1994
Crying (Live 1994) Lyrics: I travel all around the city / Go...
- Who Wrote “Crying” by Björk
Björk - Crying - tekst piosenki, tłumaczenie piosenki i teledysk. Zobacz słowa utworu Crying wraz z teledyskiem i tłumaczeniem.
Sprawdź o czym jest tekst piosenki Crying nagranej przez Björk. Na znajdziesz najdokładniejsze tekstowo tłumaczenia piosenek w polskim Internecie. Wyróżniamy się unikalnymi interpretacjami tekstów, które pozwolą Ci na dokładne zrozumienie przekazu Twoich ulubionych piosenek.
Crying Lyrics by Bjork. I travel All around the city Go in and out of Locomotives All alone There's no-one here And people everywhere Crying 'cause I need you Crying I can fe...
Crying (Live 1994) Lyrics: I travel all around the city / Go in and out of locomotives / All alone / There's no one here / And people everywhere / Crying 'cause I need you / Crying I can...
19 lut 2023 · Lyrics for Crying by Björk. I travel All around the city Go in and out of Locomotives All alone There′s no-one here A...
Crying (Live on February 27th, 1997) Lyrics: I travel in-out the city / Go in and out of locomotives / All alone / There's no-one here / And people everywhere / Crying 'cause I need you /...