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12 wrz 2019 · A strong link between theories and hypotheses is best achieved by formalizing theories as computational models. We critically revisit recommendations for addressing the “replication crisis,” including the proposal to distinguish exploratory from confirmatory research, and the preregistration of hypotheses and analysis plans.
29 sty 2021 · In this article, we argue that the root cause of the theory crisis is that developing good psychological theories is extremely difficult and that understanding the reasons why it is so difficult is crucial for moving forward in the theory crisis.
29 sty 2021 · In this article, we argue that the root cause of the theory crisis is that developing good psychological theories is extremely difficult and that understanding the reasons why it is so...
Mapping the Crises Literature in psychology: What is the crisis in psychological science? Abstract Since 2011 numerous crisis declarations have been circulating in the psychological literature. Claims are ranging from inadequate measurement and statistical practices to overgeneralized conclusions and improper theories.
Addressing the theory crisis in psychology Klaus Oberauer1 & Stephan Lewandowsky2,3 # The Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2019 Abstract A worrying number of psychological findings are not replicable. Diagnoses of the causes of this “replication crisis,” and
Crisis Theory: Review and Critique Rosemary Creed Lukton Adelphi University This article reviews the state of knowledge in the field of crisis theory. The crisis literature is examined in terms of the validity of the theory itself and with reference to social policy and treatment issues.
Illustrated by a case study, the basic assumptions of Individual Psychology and Crisis Theory are described, integrated, and applied to the Six-Step Model of Crisis Intervention (James, 2008). Implications and areas for future research are described.