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Mutations are cosmetic effects (with certain exceptions, such as Dwarfism or Gigantism, which modify model and hitbox size, and thus can slightly alter combat and travel gameplay mechanics) that have a small chance of being applied to creatures under certain circumstances.
9 paź 2023 · These are just my personal thoughts, lemme now what u think. I will edit it with what people comment! Nesting Only. Albinism 12% | i feel like this one could go for around 300-500. Smores 10%-20% with 1 or 2 plushies | same with this one. Melanism 9% | this one seems rarer than pied, i have so many pieds xd. Leucistic 7% | only ever got 2 of these. Pied 5% | id price these 300-500 as well cuz ...
5 dni temu · We’ve created a Creatures of Sonaria value list that estimates the worth of all creatures in the game. Use this list to get the maximum value from your trades. New: Use our new Trade Feed to find and create your own trade offers. Suggest your own creature values here. Check out our Trade Calculator tool to compare the values of creatures.
25 paź 2024 · Double mutations are slots that include both a nesting mutation and a growth mutation. (Ex. Shimmer & Glowtail). Obtainment methods include: Equip Aerix & Octroma on a slot that already has a nesting mutation. Get satiated and go to migration. Grow the slot to age 100
i think mutations in general are only a couple hundred mush (but you can probably find other threads detailing the price differences— like one that can always be hatched likely won't be worth as much as one that requires a specific plushie to hatch).
11 paź 2024 · If you’re about to make a trade in Creatures of Sonaria, then our trade calculator tool can help you decide whether the trade is worth it. The prices are based on our Creatures of Sonaria value list. Important: You can now choose either the lowest or highest known value of each creature. Bolatra Value in Creatures of Sonaria: What is it Worth?
12 lip 2024 · There are 255 unique Creatures in Creatures of Sonaria. And, following is the latest Creatures of Sonaria creature value list. In the list first bold part is Creature name and last is Creature trading worth value in Mush (m).