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  1. Create custom shapes for the game using the Custom Shape Builder tool on

  2. What do you want to do with this gun?: Edit Delete 🗑 Copy Settings 🗎 Cancel 🗙 Move Up Move Down Some buttons are disabled and will be added in a future update

  3. Fantasy Tank Builder. Special thanks to IBlobTouch, Acarii, Likcoras, Normalize.CSS, Aryamanarora, and ericw31415 for working on the original, unmodded version of FTB.

  4. A visual editor for creating tanks in private servers. Now with a fancier UI, better controls and a focus on the visual aspect of your tanks!

  5. Design and custom entities for and use their code in your servers with this brand new visual editor!

  6. Arras-Tank-Builder. A visual editor for creating tanks in private servers.

  7. A visual editor for creating tanks in private servers. - DogeisCut/Arras-Tank-Builder

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