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Crazy TV is a Mauritian entertainment and comedy show created by Nadeem Varsally. The first season of the show premiered on MBC 2 on 16 October 2012. The season 2, which debuted on 27 October 2014, aired on the same channel from Monday to Friday at 18H50 MUT. Season 4,5 and 6 of the show were available on Facebook and YouTube. [1]
Crazy TV, Phoenix, Mauritius. 80,832 likes · 156 talking about this. Entertainment Show.
24 lis 2021 · Crazy TV is coming back. Nadeem Varsally, the show’s director, will put something in front of us in December. The 8th season will officially start in January 2022. This is news that will certainly delight the thousands of fans of Crazy TV – the 100% Mauritian comedy show.
Crazy TV is a 4 minutes weekly entertainment/comedy show on MBC 2 @ 18H50 from Tuesday to Saturday. A recap is also broadcasted on MBC 1 @ 21H00 every Monday...
2 sty 2024 · Crazy TV is a Mauritian entertainment and comedy show created by Nadeem Varsally. The first season of the show premiered on MBC 2 on 16 October 2012. The season 2, which debuted on 27 October 2014, aired on the same channel from Monday to Friday at 18H50 MUT.
2 sty 2016 · En 2012, il lance la Crazy TV – à ne surtout pas confondre avec le Crazy couple. «La Crazy TV a été pensée comme une émission associant humour et sérieux. Grâce à l’aide de sponsors, j’ai...
Crazy TV is a Mauritian entertainment and comedy show created by Nadeem Varsally. The first season of the show premiered on MBC 2 on 16 October 2012. The season 2, which debuted on 27 October 2014, aired on the same channel from Monday to Friday at 18H50 MUT.