Search results
If you want to find out the assessed value of your property, you can use the Hanover County Parcel Search and Mapping Application feature to find your property and view the assessment information. You can search for properties by subdivision, parcel ID, mailing address or property address.
- My Property
Gain a better understanding of taxes in Hanover County such...
- Assessor's Office
Assess all real estate at its fair market value; Co-publish...
- My Property
Gain a better understanding of taxes in Hanover County such as personal property, real estate tax, business property tax, and more. Learn what is takes to connect your property to Hanover County's public water and/or sewer. Read about the zoning process. You can also access the County's mapping system.
Assess all real estate at its fair market value; Co-publish a land book annually with the Commissioner of the Revenue which becomes the official real estate tax roll; Conduct hearings and review assessments with the public; Interpret and administer all laws pertaining to real estate assessments
Use the search menu below to begin exploring the County. Information is provided as-is and any use of this data is at user's own risk. A partial search (e.g. ATLEE) will typically yield more results than a specific search (e.g. ATLEE COMMONS DRIVE).
The Hanover County Tax Assessor can provide you with a copy of your property tax assessment, show you your property tax bill, help you pay your property taxes, or arrange a payment plan. Payments may be made to the county tax collector or treasurer instead of the assessor.
Search our extensive database of free Hanover County residential property tax records by address, including land & real property tax assessments & appraisals, tax payments, exemptions, improvements, valuations, deeds, mortgages, titles & more.
Search our database of free Hanover residential property tax assessment records, tax assessment history, land & improvement values, district details, property maps, tax rates, exemptions, market valuations, ownership, past sales, deeds & more.