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Use this cooking conversion tool to help you convert between units commonly referenced in cooking recipes (cups, ounces, grams, kilograms, teaspoons, tablespoons and more).
Our free Cooking Measurement Conversion Calculator allows you to quickly convert between cups, tablespoons, teaspoons, ounces, pints, quarts, liters, grams and other cooking units.
To convert between weight units, all you need to do is to multiply or divide by some factor. A typical conversion table for basic weight units is as follows: From the table, you can quickly find out how to do conversions, for example: Grams and ounces.
Grams to Tablespoons, and Other Cooking Ingredients Conversions. Measurement Conversion > Special Converters. Ounces to Cups, Grams to Tablespoons, and Other Cooking Ingredients Conversion. This page helps you easily convert units from your recipe: grams to milliliters, liters to ounces, tablespoons to grams, and more.
Recipe Converter. Easily convert from cups, teaspoons (tsp), and tablespoons (tbsp) to grams, milliliters, kilograms, liters, ounces, and others. Fully versatile conversion of any one unit to any other so you can prepare recipes with confidence.
Convert dry food and liquid cooking ingredients between grams, milliliters, liters, kilograms, ounces, pounds, cups, spoons, and teaspoons as you would have a kitchen scale! Measure flour, sugar, butter, or rice without a cooking scale. 150 grams of white flour equals 1 cup, and 1 spoonful tablespoon of sugar is around 20 grams (0.7 ounces).
Cooking Converter converts common cooking ingredients from one measurement to another. You can easily convert from grams or ounces to cups or tablespoons.