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9 paź 2012 · I'll post it here for anyone interested in converting arbitrary things to string, and generally having more control over how that conversion is done. It supports empties, logicals, chars, function handles, numerics, cells, struct (arrays), and user-defined classes (sparse arrays in the next update).
3 maj 2018 · The result will be a char array. To convert to string objects, cellstr() and string() the results.
S = table2struct(T,"ToScalar",true) converts the table, T, to a scalar structure S. Each variable of T becomes a field in S. If T is a m-by-n table, then S has n fields, each of which has m rows.
28 kwi 2022 · The only general solution is to use a recursive function. Here is code which works for scalar structures, although you could extend it to include indexing into non-scalar structures. assert (isstruct (S),'Input <S> must be a structure.') assert (isscalar (S),'Input <S> must be scalar.') Perfect!
To convert a table to a string in Matlab, you can use the table2array and mat2str functions together. Here's an example: % sample table T = table({'a'; 'b'; 'c'}, [1; 2; 3], logical([1; 0; 1]), ... 'VariableNames', {'Letter', 'Number', 'Flag'}); % convert table to cell array of strings C = table2cell(T);
To convert a table value to a string in MATLAB, you can use the table2array function to first convert the table value to an array, and then use the num2str function to convert the array value to a string representation.
22 cze 2015 · NestedStruct2table() uses the recursive function 'StepThroughCluster()' to extract data form a nested structure. The data is then converted to a table by the function 'convertCellsToTable()'. Allowed data fields are 'char' strings, one dimensional ‘double’ arrays and one dimensional ‘cell’ arrays of any size.