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  1. THE SELECTION AND FITTING OF VALVES TO GAS CYLINDERS. Most gas cylinders are sealed with a cylinder valve. The cylinder valve is a critically important component of a gas cylinder package. Its integrity is intrinsic to the safety of the gas cylinder package, in storage, transportation and in use.

  2. CGA Selection Charts. It is recommended that the user thoroughly familiarize himself with the specific properties of these gases. The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) has selected and standardized the valve outlet to be used on each gas cylinder.

  3. › literature › VerifloCylinder Connections

    CGA (Compressed Gas Association) connections are adapter fittings designed to connect a cylinder of compressed gas to either a regulator, pigtail, hose assembly, etc. Each CGA Series (I.E. 580, 590, 660) has a unique design which will only “mate” with the corresponding cylinder connection.

  4. ISO 5145 [1] presents a system for determining valve outlets for gas cylinders for all gases or gas mixtures. It will be of interest and use for those countries that have no national standards or regulations. It is recommended to use ISO 5145[1] when selecting cylinder valves for 300 bar or above.

  5. The 1987 edition included 65 valve outlet connections providing standards or alternate standards for almost 200 different compressed gases and mixtures. The following connections and their assigned gases were unchanged except in the instances where their use as alternate standards was phased out.

  6. The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) has selected and standardized the valve outlet to be used on each gas cylinder.

  7. Compressed Gas Association CGA V-1 Cylinder Valve Connections. Following is a summary of the North American Compressed Gas Association CGA V-1 cylinder valve outlet fittings.