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  1. T-TESS Rubric 1. PLANNING DIMENSION 1.1. Standards and Alignment. The teacher designs clear, well-organized, sequential lessons that reflect best practice, align with standards and are appropriate for diverse learners. Standards Basis: 1A, 1B, 3A, 3B, 3C. Distinguished. STUDENT-CENTERED ACTIONS TEACHER-CENTERED ACTIONS. Instructional Planning ...

  2. Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T -TESS) Rubric. PLANNING Standards and Alignment (Dimension 1.1) Dimension 1.1 Standards and Alignment: The teacher designs clear, well- organized, sequential lessons that reflect ... classroom artifacts; student growth processes .

  3. Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Rubric PLANNING Standards and Alignment (Dimension 1.1) Dimension 1.1 Standards and Alignment: The teacher designs clear, well- organized, sequential lessons that reflect best practice, align with standards and are appropriate for diverse learners. student work, student reflection,

  4. › Resource_Files › GuidesTEACHER HANDBOOK

    Ongoing, systematic rollout processes and exposure to the rubric are critical to ensure that teachers have an opportunity to 'unwrap' the dimensions, create a pool of shared meaning and personally gather data to move from the current to desired levels of performance.

  5. Move us from the procedural (step-by-step procedures) to conceptual (understanding T-TESS concepts and connecting and applying them in various situations) knowledge… including how the domains of the T-TESS rubric apply to teachers’ roles and responsibilities.

  6. T-TESS An Overview of the Rubric Standards and Alignment Dimension 1.1 The teacher designs clear, well-organized, sequential lessons that reflect best practice, align with the standards and are appropriate for diverse learners. Data and Assessment Dimension 1.2 The teacher uses formal and informal methods to measure

  7. The T-TESS Rubric provides the framework to define and demonstrate how the domains, dimensions and descriptors support teachers as they implement strategies in ways that address specific student learning needs.

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z components of t-tess rubric for elementary math class 5 notes fde

    components of t-tess rubric for elementary math class 5 notes fde pdf