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16 lis 2024 · Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are the most common knee ligament injury encountered in radiology and orthopaedic practice.
18 wrz 2017 · This article reviews the anatomy and biomechanics of the ACL and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and describes the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging appearances of complete and partial tears. Normal postoperative appearances of ACL and PCL reconstructions as well as MR imaging features of postoperative complications will also be reviewed.
MR imaging is an accurate and important tool in diagnosing ACL injuries, and various primary and secondary signs of ACL injury have been reported. It is important to recognize the characteristic imaging findings on MRI and correlate these findings with the mechanism of trauma.
4 paź 2024 · This article outlines an effective MRI imaging technique that improves the diagnostic accuracy of ACL injuries of the knee, covering the appropriate pulse sequences and optimal imaging planes. Furthermore, the article provides a comprehensive review of the appearance of complete and partial ACL tears on MRI in the acute and chronic phases.
A retrospective review of all consecutive patients who had an MRI radiology report diagnosis of an ACL injury (partial tear, sprain, or complete tear) or tibial spine avulsion fracture from January 2000 through February 2004 was performed. A database word search yielded 103 knees.
Sagittal plane MRIs of the knee are angled to optimise views of the ACL; On a T1 sagittal image the ACL should appear well-defined and black, as in this image; The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is only partly visible as it is out of plane with the ACL
12 cze 2018 · In a sample of 134 acute traumatic patients including 28 with a partial or complete ACL tear, Wagemaker et al. found that combining immediate effusion, popping sensation, giving way symptoms and a positive anterior drawer test yielded a positive LR of 4.2 for partial or complete tears (95%CI: 2.4–7.5) and a positive LR of 7.2 for complete ...