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  1. Congruent Triangles. If two triangles are congruent, then all of the parts of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of the other triangle. This means that the corresponding sides and the corresponding angles are congruent.

  2. Adjacent angles share both a common arm and a common vertex. The angles lie on opposite sides of the common arm. Complementary angles TWO angles that add up to 90° , for example. and b are complementary angles because the angles 50° and in the triangle add up to 180°.

  3. Unit 10 – Lesson 1. Aim: I can determine the measure of Complementary, Supplementary, & Vertical Angles. s based off your prior knowledge of grad. Which pairs of angles are complementary? . 42° and 58°. 100° and 80°. 38° and 52°. 300° and 60°. h . b. c. (3) In the diagram below, < and < at . 90°. 26°. 52°. 64°. < ?

  4. Converse to the Isosceles Triangle Theorem If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite those angles are congruent. Corollary 4 -2 Each angle of an equilateral triangle measures 60 .

  5. The acute angles of a right triangle are complementary. The measure of each angle of an equiangular triangle is 600. = mZB = — 600 Theorem 4-2-4 Exterior Angle Theorem The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of its remote interior angles. mZ4 = mZ1 + mZ 3 4 The remote interior angles of L4 are Ll and 2

  6. 17.1 Complementary and supplementary angles. Definition In a protractor geometry {P, L, d, m}, we say ∠ABC is an acute angle if m(∠ABC) < 90, a right angle if m(∠ABC) = 90, and an obtuse angle if m(∠ABC) > 90. We say angles ∠ABC and ∠DEF are supplementary if. m(∠ABC) + m(∠DEF ) = 180. and we say angles ∠ABC and ∠DEF are complementary if.

  7. Theorem 4.4: The acute angles of a right triangle are complementary. Theorem 4.5 Exterior Angles Theorem: The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two remote (nonadjacent) interior angles. Theorem 4.6 Exterior Angle Inequality: The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the