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6 kwi 2020 · Describe the functions of CERT, discuss your role as a CERT volunteer, and explain how CERT fits into your community’s emergency preparedness structure 2. Describe the types of hazards most likely to affect your communities and their potential impact on people, health, and infrastructure 3.
Download free CERT training materials, including instructor guides, participant manuals, and PowerPoints. Enhance community emergency response skills.
1 sty 2017 · Community Emergency Response Team. What is CERT? Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) are formed by trained volunteers from a neighborhood or workplace.
16 paź 2015 · CERT Teams provide the Command Post with ongoing information and documentation on: Damage assessment Team status Ongoing needs Command Post documents: Incident status Incident locations, Access routes, Identified hazards Support locations: Staging Area, Treatment/Triage Areas, Morgue
1 sty 2017 · Download ppt "Community Emergency Response Team" Similar presentations Unit 7: Objectives 1.Describe the disaster and post-disaster emotional environment. 2.Describe the steps that rescuers can take to relieve their own stress.
28 mar 2019 · • “The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
A short presentation created by the Support Committee that can be used in many setting to provide an overview of what a Community Emergency Response Team is. A FEMA produced video overview is included in a 30 second and a seven minute versions.