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  1. 9 gru 2016 · The document defines and describes several types of comedy in literature and drama. It begins by defining comedy as a genre that is amusing and satirical, with a cheerful or happy ending. It then divides comedy into two categories: low comedy, which uses slapstick, drunkenness or buffoonery to create laughter; and high comedy, which relies on ...

  2. 3 sty 2011 · High comedy (what we now call ‘smart comedy’ or ‘literary comedy’) relies for its humor on wit and sophistication, while low comedy relies on burlesque, crude jokes, and buffoonery.” (Nilsens in Raskin [2008] 246)

  3. 6 wrz 2014 · New Comedy- Modern Comedy • illustrate the decline of the chorus and political issues of Old Comedy • is less obscene • focuses on family matters with complications in love relationships • introduces theme of love into literature • of interest in the interactions between observable social types.

  4. INTRODUCTION TO COMEDY AND SATIRE AP English IV Mrs. Oualline What is Comedy? What Is Comedy? 1. Comedy is based on IRONY. 2. Awareness of irony is INTELLECTUAL, not EMOTIONAL. 3. Comedy lifts us out of our emotional responses. 4. With emotional defenses down, we can see a need for change in a comic character. 5.

  5. 30 mar 2015 · This document discusses different literary genres and how humor fits within them. It outlines four main modes of literature based on the seasons - romance (spring), comedy (summer), mimetic/realism (fall), and tragedy/irony (winter).

  6. 5 sty 2015 · The presentation outlines a seven step model for conducting literature reviews and provides guidelines. It also covers trends like theoretical literature reviews, empirical literature reviews, conceptual frameworks, and critical/analytical frameworks.

  7. Using sexually challenging language and physical comedy, Commedia pokes fun at elements of society’s respectable values by means of exaggerated styles and insightful character traits.

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