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To create your own four-year academic plan, view sample plans, and track your campus involvement and work history use our Four-Year Plan Excel Worksheet If you are a Chrome user please see the note below.
Google Sheets Template Link: (Disclaimer: Don't take this spreadsheet in lieu of advising; see your advisor and use PatriotWeb.) Features. This 4-year plan has capacity for up to 7 courses per semester, with 12 semesters listed (including Summer semesters).
24 paź 2018 · View Four Year Plan Plan - Excel Sheet - Template.xls.xlsx from HON 101 at University of Tampa. Name: Student ID: Major: This is an electronic entry form for your 4 Year Academic Plan. Please fill in
Use those colors to categorize your classes each quarter. The green column in each quarter is for unit counts, and the teal is for your grade in the class (click the arrow and choose from the dropdown). Those columns get totaled at the bottom of each quarter.
Use this checklist as a guide while you complete your Four-Year Plan (Self-Reflection, Academic Plan, Semester Planning Worksheet, Fourth sheet for second major if doing the B.S. degree). Self-Reflection questions are answered fully.
The sample plans listed below are designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. These plans are meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor if you have questions. For Undergraduate students:
4 lip 2017 · To create a Four-Year Plan, try to map out each year that you will spend in college. You can use an Excel sheet, a Word document, or a pencil and a piece of paper. As a suggestion, we recommend that your Four-Year Plan should roughly follow this template (please see Four-Year Plan Template Example).