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Employment & Unemployment. Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the CES survey (State and Area) Local Area Unemployment Statistics; Create Customized Maps -- Unemployment Rates; Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages; Occupational Employment Statistics; Geographic Profile; Prices & Living Conditions. Consumer Price Index; Consumer Expenditure ...
Columbus, GA-AL, Area Economic Summary (PDF) Benefits, Consumer price indexes, Consumer spending, Employment, Industry price indexes, Pay, Unemployment Economic Summary
Data - Preliminary estimates and revised figures, for the total labor force, total employed, total unemployed, and percent unemployed--statewide, by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), cities over 25,000 in population, Regional Commission (RC), and county.
Unemployment Rate in Columbus, GA-AL (MSA) was 4.10% in January of 2022, according to the United States Federal Reserve. Historically, Unemployment Rate in Columbus, GA-AL (MSA) reached a record high of 11.90 in April of 2020 and a record low of 2.70 in November of 2021.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics program, Labor Force Data by County, Annual Averages.
Unemployment rates for the nation and selected areas Average weekly wages for all industries by county Columbus area, first quarter 2024 (U.S. = $1,527; Area = $1,108)
31 maj 2024 · Columbus, GA-AL, GA Unemployment Rate is at 4.00%, compared to 5.00% last month and 3.70% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 6.09%. Metropolitan Statistical Area. In depth view into Columbus, GA-AL, GA Unemployment Rate including historical data from 1990 to 2024, charts and stats.