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Book reviews have quite a few purposes, but they usually inform fellow scholars of the quality, purpose, and argument of a book and explain how it fits into the current literature. A book review can be helpful for fellow researchers so they can decide whether or not to read or purchase the material. What Isn’t an Academic Book Review?
Book review = short summary + evaluation (assessment of the overall value or contribution of a book or article to the academic field and specific inventory of good and bad parts or points)
We’ve compiled the best book review examples for college students so that you can get an idea of what makes for compelling, impactful book reviews and how to write a book review as a college student.
This handout will help you write a book review, a report or essay that offers a critical perspective on a text. It offers a process and suggests some strategies for writing book reviews. What is a review? A review is a critical evaluation of a text, event, object, or phenomenon.
30 mar 2021 · Book Review Examples for University Students. University-level book reviews are different from high school and college reviews. Read the following example of a book review and understand what elements are needed for writing a great book review.
View in PDF Format. A critical book review is a thoughtful discussion of a text’s contents, strengths, and limitations. A book review should reflect your capacity to read critically and to evaluate an author’s arguments and evidence. Compose your review as you would any essay, with an argument supported by evidence, and a clear, logical ...
Few academic presses have the budget to market their books widely, so reviews alert potential readers and librarians to a book’s publication. Just as important, book reviews can spark further research or ideas about how to move an academic discussion forward.