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20 paź 2024 · 🇺🇸 Zacznij mówić po angielsku z kursem Angielski Od Podstawź nas na: →FACEBOOK: https:/...
Bezpłatna usługa Google, umożliwiająca szybkie tłumaczenie słów, zwrotów i stron internetowych w języku angielskim i ponad 100 innych językach.
Poniżej przedstawiamy przykłady zdań z czasownikiem can: Wyrażanie umiejętności: “I can speak English.” (Potrafię mówić po angielsku.) Prośby i pytania: “Can you help me, please?” (Czy możesz mi pomóc?) Możliwość: “I can go to the party tonight.” (Mogę pójść na imprezę dziś wieczorem.)
• I can write a concluding statement or paragraph on topic. 4.W.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event • I can introduce a story with an event that includes characters and setting.
I Can Statements - Kindergarten W.K.1 I can tell you what I think about a book by writing about it, telling you about it, or drawing a picture about it. W.K.2 I can tell you what I am writing about and tell you some information about what I am writing and make a story that informs or explains
CP4.2 - I can express my ideas through dance using: dance steps, body parts, types of movement and different shapes and spaces. I can do this alone, with a partner, and in a small group. CP4.3 - I can act in different roles using Saskatchewan as my inspiration.
W.4.1 I can write well-developed opinion pieces on topics and texts. W.4.1.A I can write an introduction that clearly state my opinion. W.4.1.B I can include reasons to support my opinion and order my reasons in a logical way. W.4.1.C I can use transition words and phrases to link opinions and reasons. W.4.1.D