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  1. Cykl węglowo-azotowo-tlenowy (CNO) – cykl przemian jąder atomowych, których efektem jest przemiana wodoru w hel oraz powstawanie dużych ilości energii. Jest źródłem energii dla masywnych gwiazd, ponieważ może zachodzić tylko w bardzo dużych temperaturach (rzędu 20 milionów kelwinów).

  2. The chief of naval operations (CNO) is the highest-ranking officer of the United States Navy. The position is a statutory office (10 U.S.C. § 8033) held by an admiral who is a military adviser and deputy to the secretary of the Navy.

  3. Wikipedia Shqip është versioni shqip i Wikipedia-s, enciklopedisë së lirë. Ajo filloi më 12 tetor 2003 dhe tani përmban 100,000 artikuj. Për nga numri i artikujve, Wikipedia shqip e mban vendin e 75-të [1] sipas listës së Wikipedia-ve. [2]

  4. CNO – cykl węglowo-azotowo-tlenowy. CNO – Chief of Naval Operations, najwyższy wojskowy dowódca marynarki wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Kategoria: Strony ujednoznaczniające.

  5. › wiki › CNOCNO - Wikipedia

    CNO may refer to: C/N 0, the carrier-to-noise-density ratio of a signal. Casualty notification officer, a person responsible for informing relatives of death or injury. Chief networking officer, a business role. Chief nursing officer, a nursing management position.

  6. › wiki › CNO_cycleCNO cycle - Wikipedia

    The CNO cycle (for carbonnitrogen – oxygen; sometimes called Bethe–Weizsäcker cycle after Hans Albrecht Bethe and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker) is one of the two known sets of fusion reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium, the other being the proton–proton chain reaction (p–p cycle), which is more efficient at the Sun 's core te...

  7. Fatkeqësia e Çernobilit është një ngjarje që ndodhi më 26 prill 1986 në Çernobil, Ukrainë (atëherë Bashkimi Sovjetik) sipas një shkrirje bërthamore dhe një shpërthimi në nje reaktor bërthamor. Katastrofa e Çernobilit është një aksident reaktor bërthamor në uzinën e energjisë bërthamore të Çernobilit në Ukrainë ...

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