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  1. The first thing to do is to check that Zu3D or Cloud Stop Motion has the correct camera selected. You can choose which webcam Zu3D and Cloud Stop Motion use... Why is the picture from my webcam slow or laggy? This can be caused by a Windows update breaking certain compression settings.

  2. Usually when it appears Cloud Stop Motion isn't saving your work, it's actually working behind the scenes to ensure your work is safe so that you ca...

  3. So you know, we're always adding to and updating our Knowledge Base, so be sure to pop back regularly and keep an eye out for any new tips as they land! Have a burning question which you feel should be included in our public Knowledge Base?

  4. The first thing to do is to check that Zu3D or Cloud Stop Motion has the correct camera selected. You can choose which webcam Zu3D and Cloud Stop Motion uses by opening the settings and selecting your preferred connected camera - please note, you...

  5. Cloud Stop Motion Update - [1.003.2] New features include... - Select multiple items - hold down the CTRL key to select multiple clips or frames - Join clips - join two or more clips together - Cut,...

  6. UPDATE New features include [1.003.3] -Tap/click and drag to move clips or frames around on the timeline. -Tap/click and drag on empty space on the timeline to create a selection rectangle to select...

  7. Stop Motion Education Animation Kit Support Store. Open main menu. Stop Motion Education Animation Kit Support Store. Start Start Animating at CSM. Problems installing Zu3D (single user/home) Problems activating Zu3D; Zu3D for Schools; Zu3D Studio3 Questions; Zu3D Media Library Issues; Zu3D FAQs. Contact Us;

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