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Various species of bats roost in abandoned Cliff Swallow nests, and during the winter Canyon Wrens (Catherpes mexicanus) and Black (Leucosticte arctoa) and Gray-crowned (L. tephrocotis) rosy finches use Cliff Swallow nests as dormitories (Sooter et al. 1954, MBB).
This local data supports California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s time frame of February 15 – September 1 for the nesting season and for the prohibition of nest disturbance and destruction without a permit from the federal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The California Department of Fish and Game, the enforcement agency, considers February 15 to September 1 to be the swallow nesting season. Completed nests during this breeding season cannot be touched without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
12 mar 2012 · The Cliff Swallows of Capistrano. It’s quite possible that California’s most famous spring migration tradition has to do with the swallows of Mission San Juan Capistrano. For years, the Cliff Swallows returned on or around March 19, St. Joseph’s day, to nest in the eaves of the old mission.
Cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) occupy areas of North America and Central America based on whether it is breeding season or the migration season. The breeding range begins as far northwest as Alaska, and extends south down the western coast of the United States through California into central Mexico (Mexican plateau south to central ...
1. Take a photo and report mud-gathering activity to help determine favored sites. 2. In dry springs see if “mud puddles” last throughout nesting (the birds need to repair nests from time to time). 3. Survey areas near the Quad that might provide good alternative nesting sites, allowing the birds to return to their historic numbers. 4.
In California, Pacific Northwest, and the Northeast, Cliff Swallows primarily use buildings for nesting. Buildings are not commonly used in the Midwest or Southeast, where, instead, natural cliff faces, bridges, and culverts are used.