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Visit the CCIT Support Center, email or call (864) 656-3494.
To access your email account for the first time: Visit; Your username will be your full Clemson username plus (Ex: Your password will be the same one you previously set during onboarding. After signing into the Microsoft 365 portal, you can click the Outlook app to open your email.
9 paź 2024 · The email control panel can be accessed on the Clemson website at the following address: This tool provides users with the ability to set up their Clemson Outlook Exchange, Clemson Google Suite for Education, and change the password on their Google Apps.
5 gru 2014 · The email control panel can be accessed on the Clemson website at the following address: This tool provides users with the ability to set up their Clemson Outlook Exchange, Clemson Google Suite for Education, and change the password on their Google Apps.
4 kwi 2024 · WHAT IS MY CLEMSON EMAIL ADDRESS? Your email address will be your username followed by “” (i.e. As a new student, you will automatically receive a Microsoft Exchange Online mailbox.
To get started using CUapps through Citrix, see the Citrix Workspace Quick Start Guide or the Citrix Web Access Quick Start Guide. For additional assistance contact the CCIT Help Desk at 864-656-3494, or email .
Clemson offers users the choice of Google Apps for Education or Office 365 as an email client for their account. Current faculty and staff are encouraged to use Microsoft Outlook in the Office 365 suite, however, newly enrolled students in Spring 2024-beyond will no longer be able to access Gmail accounts.