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Highly detailed, large scale map of ancient Greece and surrounding territories in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. The map depicts the political situation in about 431 BCE, shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Format: DIN A0 (118,9 x 84,1 cm). HD prints of this map can be purchased from my online store.
All maps may be downloaded for personal or educational use. The Aegean World in the Bronze Age: Click to view larger Greek Colonies to 500 BCE: Click to view larger Early Roman Italy: Click to view larger Rome's World: Click to view larger The Roman Empire, 121–31 BCE: Click to view larger The Reign of Augustus: Click to view larger Tiberius ...
The maps below are presented in the order in which they appeared in the 2011 Second Edition of The Romans: From Village to Empire. To access these maps, as well as metadata and alt text, open the link and download the file from Dropbox.
Classical Greece: Highly detailed, large scale map of ancient Greece in the 5 th and 4 th centuries BCE. The map depicts the political situation in about 431 BCE, shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.
View a map of Italy in 500 BCE, when Ancient Greek and Etruscan cities are flourishing, and early Rome is becomimng a Republic.
26 lut 2016 · A really useful online tool for anyone studying the Classical world or working on mapping techniques is the digital map of the Greco-Roman world produced by PELAGIOS.
Reference Map of Ancient Italy, Southern Part, B.C. 300 The Growth of Roman Power in Italy to 218 B.C. Italia Septentrionalis, B.C. 200