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26 wrz 2023 · Civilization VI is free to try on your Android device. Do whatever it takes to turn your small territory into the biggest empire all around the world, all on the go. Try the tutorial,...
Civilization VI is free to try on your Android device. Do whatever it takes to turn your small territory into the biggest empire all around the world, all on the go. Try the tutorial, create your very first structure, and begin to build your empire.
26 wrz 2023 · Civilization VI można wypróbować bezpłatnie na urządzeniu z Androidem. Zrób wszystko, aby zmienić swoje małe terytorium w największe imperium na całym świecie, a wszystko to w podróży. Wypróbuj samouczek, stwórz swoją pierwszą strukturę i zacznij budować swoje imperium.
Playing as one of 20 leaders in the base game with different perks and abilities, you guide your chosen civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Research new technologies, conduct diplomacy, and wage war as you pursue one of five possible victory conditions.
Storied strategy game Civilization 6 is now available on Android devices. The Android version comes with the same free trial as the iPhone and iPad versions released all the way back...
Civilization VI is free to try on your Android device. Do whatever it takes to turn your small territory into the biggest empire all around the world, all on the go. Try the tutorial, create your very first structure, and begin to build your empire.
Play 60 turns of Civilization VI for FREE! Thank you for taking the time to download and try our favorite strategy game. <3 Aspyr. Veteran players have new ways to build and tune their civilization for the greatest chance of success. New tutorial systems introduce new players to the underlying concepts so they can easily get started.