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The Ohio sales tax rate is currently 5.75%. The Delaware sales tax rate is 0%. Look up the current rate for a specific address using the same geolocation technology that powers the Avalara AvaTax rate calculation engine. Tax rates can vary within a county, a city, or even a ZIP code.
The 7% sales tax rate in Delaware consists of 5.75% Ohio state sales tax and 1.25% Delaware County sales tax. There is no applicable city tax or special tax. You can print a 7% sales tax table here. For tax rates in other cities, see Ohio sales taxes by city and county.
Ohio has state sales tax of 5.75%, and allows local governments to collect a local option sales tax of up to 2.25%. There are a total of 575 local tax jurisdictions across the state, collecting an average local tax of 1.5%. Click here for a larger sales tax map, or here for a sales tax table.
Explore the tax rates for all districts in Delaware County. © Delaware County Ohio. All Rights Reserved. Please review our Privacy Policy. This public tax information is furnished by the Delaware County Auditor’s Office as a public service and aide to its citizens.
The local sales tax rate in Delaware County is 1.5%, and the maximum rate (including Ohio and city sales taxes) is 7.5% as of November 2024.
1 kwi 2021 · The current total local sales tax rate in Delaware, OH is 7.000%. The December 2020 total local sales tax rate was also 7.000%. Delaware, OH is in Delaware County. Delaware is in the following zip codes: 43015. The latest sales tax rate for Delaware, OH.
The Delaware County / Cota, Ohio sales tax is 7.50%, consisting of 5.75% Ohio state sales tax and 1.75% Delaware County / Cota local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.25% county sales tax and a 0.50% special district sales tax (used to fund transportation districts, local attractions, etc).