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  1. Explore the available step-by-step tutorials to find out more about creating a curriculum in CIÊNCIAVITAEs platform in a quick and easy manner: CIÊNCIAVITAE onboarding Fill-in Manual Demo videos Creation of a CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum; How to populate your curriculum with the Import Wizard

  2. Facilita a gestão do seu currículo científico, dando-lhe maior visibilidade. Preencha uma vez, utilize sempre. Adapte às suas necessidades. Reúna a sua informação existente noutras plataformas. Utilize onde quiser. Divulgue o seu trabalho. Crie, organize e ajuste o seu CV com informação nova ou importada de outras plataformas.

  3. Na tentativa de melhor esclarecer a nossa comunidade académica, o Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar elaborou o documento CIENCIAVITAE: um guia. Um instrumento de apoio aos investigadores e docentes, para uma simples e correta gestão de currículo na plataforma CIÊNCIAVITAE.

  4. In an attempt to better clarify our academic community, the Institute of Interdusciplinarity Research has produced the document CIENCIAVITAE: a guide. A support tool for researchers and teachers, for a simple and correct curriculum management on the CIENCIAVITAE platform.

  5. › perguntas-frequentesFAQs -

    The “Resume” aims to provide a very brief summary of the user’s professional activity, in the most universal way possible. That is, to be brief and visually similar for all users. Its generation can occur in one of 2 ways: a) Automatic; b) Manual.

  6. CIÊNCIAVITAE is a system of science curricular management, as well as a tool to support the modernisation of a CV, since it works as an integrated and personalised repository of the path of each researcher.

  7. 26 wrz 2018 · CIÊNCIAVITAE is developed by FCT based on the DeGóis platform, in articulation with the technical and normative framework PTCRIS, and can be used by all national institutions in science and higher education that choose to join.

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