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  1. 華人基督徒查經資料網站, 华人基督徒查经资料网站, Chinese Christian Bible Study And Commentary Website

  2. Bibles, New Testaments, Audio, Dvds, Tracts, and Books in Chinese Biblical Education by Extension - Biblical Training to Pastors and Church Leaders in Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu

  3. 華人基督徒查經資料網站;; 1/11 更新|本站簡介|相關網站|简体|English|聖經查詢

  4. › chinese › translationChinese - Explore the Bible

    Explore the Bible 能让你教会中的成年人、学生和孩子都来学习神的道,这里有适合各年龄段的查经资料,方便好用,可以长期学习。 跟着 Explore the bible,每天或者每周共同学习,你教会的全体成员会随着每一卷经书,在神的道中共同成长。

  5. Free Chinese Bible study resources including A Loving Life, Person of Jesus, Grace Through the Eyes of Jesus, J-Curve, Love Walked Among Us, and more.

  6. 对研读圣经团契BSF感兴趣吗? 请通过短期体验课程,尝试我们独特的四重研经法。 请下载下面其中一个课程来开始吧。 要获得最好的 BSF 体验,请加入一个小组一起研习。 耶稣是上帝吗? Hundreds of thousands of members of all ages and stages across the globe studying God’s Word chapter-by-chapter together.

  7. Discovery Bible Study | This is an easy-to-use tool that includes topics, verses, and a discussion format you can use to help students begin to understand the message of the Bible. This series covers the core message of the Gospel.

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z chinese bible study books for adults near me today news video oct 29

    chinese bible study books for adults near me today news video oct 29 2021