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FIDE rankings. The International Chess Federation (FIDE) governs international chess competition. Each month, FIDE publishes the lists "Top 100 Players", "Top 100 Women", "Top 100 Juniors" and "Top 100 Girls" and rankings of countries according to the average rating of their top 10 players and top 10 female players in the classical time control.
- Comparison of top chess players throughout history - Wikipedia
As of September 2023, there are 133 chess players in history...
- Chess rating system - Wikipedia
A chess rating system is a system used in chess to estimate...
- Comparison of top chess players throughout history - Wikipedia
This list of top-ranked chess grandmasters is ordered by their peak Elo rating.The cut-off value is 2700 for men (players with a rating at or above this value are colloquially known as super grandmasters) and 2500 for women.. Notably, only six players achieved their over-2700 peak before the year 2000 and twenty-one players achieved their respective peak between the years 2000 and 2009 ...
As of September 2023, there are 133 chess players in history who broke 2700, and 14 of them exceeded 2800. Table of top 20 rated players of all-time, with date their best ratings were first achieved Rank
A chess rating system is a system used in chess to estimate the strength of a player, based on their performance versus other players. They are used by organizations such as FIDE, the US Chess Federation (USCF or US Chess), International Correspondence Chess Federation, and the English Chess Federation.
Międzynarodowa Federacja Szachowa publikowała dwie listy rocznie (w styczniu i lipcu), stan ten trwał do końca 1999 roku. W połowie 2000 r. listy zaczęto publikować kwartalnie (4 w roku – w styczniu, kwietniu, lipcu i październiku), a od lipca 2009 r. – co 2 miesiące (sześciokrotnie w roku).
Ranking szachowy, ranking szachowy Elo – metoda obliczania relatywnej siły gry szachistów w punktacji Elo. Nazwa ta pochodzi od nazwiska Arpada Elo, amerykańskiego naukowca pochodzenia węgierskiego, którego prace ukształtowały szachowy system rankingowy oparty na naukowych podstawach.
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