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Cabo San Lucas - Climate data In Cabo San Lucas, the average temperature of the coldest month (January) is of 20.9 °C (69.6 °F), that of the warmest month (July) is of 30.3 °C (86.5 °F). Here are the average temperatures.
Cabo San Lucas weather by month. Click on each chart for more information. The hot season lasts for 4.3 months, from June 16 to October 25, with an average daily high temperature above 89°F. The hottest month of the year in Cabo San Lucas is August, with an average high of 91°F and low of 78°F.
8 lut 2024 · Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Climate and weather forecast by month. Detailed climate information with charts - average monthly weather with temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation, wind, daylight, sunshine, visibility, and UV index data.
Cabo San Lucas Climate by Month. Cabo San Lucas is known for extremely beautiful weather with an average of 360 sunny days per year. The proximity of the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean ensures that the air humidity remains very low. In winter the maxium temperature averages between 25°C and 27°C, but the mercury can even drop to 20°C.
The annual average maximum daily temperature is 28.4°C (83.1°F) which is very warm and perfect for sunbathing on clear days. The annual average water temperature is typically 24.7°C (76.5°F) which is warm and pleasant for relaxing and swimming for long periods. Annually there are on average 1.0 days of rain per month and 5.7 hours of sun per day.
Here you'll find information on the typical weather for each month in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. There are averages for maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. These are followed by details about extremes – how hot and cold the beach resort can actually get during each month.
According to the Köppen-Geiger classification, the prevailing climate in this region is categorized as BWh. The average annual temperature in Cabo San Lucas is 22.9 °C | 73.3 °F. Each year, there is an approximate 290 mm | 11.4 inch of precipitation that occurs.