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  1. MindTap - Cengage Access Module 5 Training Videos Task by Task

  2. Allowing Sam's father to receive the information you share with his mother, will allow Sam's father to be a part of Sam's education. Doing what is in the best interest of the child should always be your motivation.

  3. Get a Comprehensive Guide to the CDA Test (Child Development Associate Credential). Learn about the competency areas and test format. Then, get free CDA practice questions and expert study tips.

  4. Sam's parents are divorced and Sam's father has called you, he's angry because he doesn't know what Sam is doing at school and feels out of the loop when it comes to special events because his ex-wife does not share the information that goes home. What can you do to help in this situation?

  5. Sam's parents are divorced and Sam's father has called you, he's angry because he doesn't know what Sam is doing at school and feels out of the loop when it comes to special events because his ex-wife does not share the information that goes home. What can you do to help in this situation?

  6. This practice test features a total of 65 multiple-choice questions, including 60 standard questions and 5 scenario-based questions, covering key topics related to child development, learning, and teaching strategies.

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