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This article provides the annual European Commission salary grid for Administrators, Assistants, Secretaries and Clerks, and Contract Agents. The values are relevant until middle 2025 when an updated salary grid will be adopted.
An official calculator of salaries for jobs in the European Commission or other EU institutions is not publicly available. To address this gap, this article links to a number of useful resources that will allow you to get an approximate idea of what salary to expect at a particular EU institution.
Salaries of the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Commissioners are calculated as a percentage of the highest basic salary possible for non-political posts in EU institutions, such as General Directors in DGs. This refers to the 3rd step of grade 16 in the EU ‘salary scale’. This value as of 1 January 2023 is EUR 23,031.28.
Table of the amounts of basic monthly salaries for each grade and step in function groups AD and AST referred to in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, applicable from 1 July 2020:
Calendar and seasonally adjusted data [Y] Reference area Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9] Counterpart area Domestic (home or reference area) [W2] Reference sector Total economy [S1] Counterpart sector Total economy [S1] Accounting entries Debit (Uses) [D] Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows Wages and salaries [D11]
Vacancies must be assigned a grade on the UCL pay and grading structure, with the exception of Clinical Academics who have their own pay and grading structure. If you have any queries regarding the pay and grading structure please visit MyServices Portal .
> Salary Schedules December 2024. Download Print Version. CEWA-Salary-Schedules_December-2024. Download Print Version. Connect with us. We’re available 9am–5pm AWST, Monday to Friday. If you have a question, our CEWA team is available to assist you. You can search our website, email us or call during office hours.