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  1. › wiki › Kalinin_K-7Kalinin K-7 - Wikipedia

    The Kalinin K-7 (Russian: Калинин К-7) was a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. It was of unusual configuration, with twin booms and large underwing pods housing fixed landing gear and machine gun turrets.

  2. › forums › showthreadKalinin K-7 - RC Groups

    29 sty 2014 · The Kalinin K-7 (Ukrainian: Калинін К-7) was a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. It was of unusual configuration with twin booms and large underwing pods housing fixed landing gear and machine gun turrets.

  3. K-7 – radziecki ciężki samolot bombowy i pasażerski z okresu międzywojennego. W 1928 roku w biurze konstrukcyjnym Konstantina Kalinina rozpoczęto pracę nad samolotem pasażerskim do lotów transkontynentalnych. Projekt tego samolotu zakładał oryginalną konstrukcję, gdyż przestrzeń ładunkowa miała się znajdować w skrzydłach.

  4. 27 maj 2010 · This Internet monster claims to be a Kalinin K-7, but the fraud is obvious: The people are modern, and pictures from the Soviet Union were never in focus.

  5. 8 gru 2014 · Kalinin K-7 (Russian: Калинин К-7) was a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. K-7 was of unusual configuration with twin booms and large underwing pods housing fixed landing gear and machine gun turrets.

  6. 9 mar 2012 · Designed by Konstantin Kalinin and built between 1931 and 1933, the K7 was one of a kind. During its first test flight, the super-plane exhibited serious in-flight instability.

  7. Die sowjetische Kalinin K-7 (russisch Калинин К-7) war ein Riesenflugzeug, das als überschwerer Bomber oder Großraum-Verkehrsflugzeug Verwendung finden sollte.

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