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The Kalinin K-7 (Russian: Калинин К-7) was a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. It was of unusual configuration, with twin booms and large underwing pods housing fixed landing gear and machine gun turrets.
9 mar 2012 · Designed by Konstantin Kalinin and built between 1931 and 1933, the K7 was one of a kind. During its first test flight, the super-plane exhibited serious in-flight instability. The plane’s...
28 paź 2018 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Kalinin K-7 Heavy Bomber / Passenger Airliner Prototype including pictures.
Die sowjetische Kalinin K-7 (russisch Калинин К-7) war ein Riesenflugzeug, das als überschwerer Bomber oder Großraum-Verkehrsflugzeug Verwendung finden sollte. Die Kalinin K-7 bestand aus einem bis zu 2,33 Meter dicken elliptischen Tragflügel mit einer Spannweite von 53 Metern, in dem bis zu 120 Passagiere Platz finden sollten.
27 maj 2010 · May 2010 ONE OF THE MORE persistent hoaxes drifting about on the Internet concerns an airplane called the Kalinin K-7. Built in the early 1930s, the K-7 was Russian, and big. Really big.
11 kwi 2023 · The Kalinin K-7 was an experimental bomber aircraft designed in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. It was designed as a heavy bomber reinforced with multiple machine gun turrets but the designs also imagined the plane could double as a commercial airliner with modifications.
Le Kalinine K-7 (en russe : Калинин К-7) est un bombardier expérimental de l'entre-deux-guerres construit par l' Union soviétique, conçu par le bureau d'étude dirigé par Konstantin Kalinin (en). L'unique exemplaire s'est écrasé lors de son septième vol d'essai le 21 novembre 1933.