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On the CCC Estimating Download and Install screen, enter your CCC Estimating license number, and the phone number registered to your account, then click Start. After verifying your computer meets the minimum requirements, the installer will download the files necessary for CCC Estimating.
This guide explains the four steps to successfully install CCC® Touch on your tablet.
CCC ONE® Mobile App. Use it to scan and decode VINs, take damage photos, and NOW, quickly write preliminary estimates in less than two minutes with MOBILE JUMPSTART. It’s INCLUDED with a CCC ONE license and automatically syncs to and the CCC ONE desktop application for faster processing. Google Play App Store
CCC ONE Touch makes it easy to write a vehicle damage estimate. Optimized for tablets, it has integrated VIN-code scanning, photo capture with automatic labelling, and all the powerful features you come to expect with CCC ONE estimating.
12 lip 2022 · CCC Mobile TM Solutions – Quick Estimate app will help expedite your claim by allowing you to upload images for your recent claim and receive an estimate. The app will guide you through steps...
CCC ONE Install Wizard, continued 3. Use the Confirm Installation Category screen to specify how the Setup Wizard will install CCC ONE on this computer. Typically, both CCC ONE and CCC ONE Update Manager are installed on a single computer installation. However, if you are going to use this computer to download updates only, just install CCC ONE
The power of CCC on your mobile device!