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Routing number 081202759 is assigned to US BANK NA located in ST. PAUL, MN. ABA routing number 081202759 is used to facilitate ACH funds transfers and Fedwire funds transfers.
5 mar 2010 · Bank Routing Number 081202759 belongs to Us Bank Na. It routing both FedACH and Fedwire payments.
IBAN numbers issued in Qatar will contain 29 characters and will have the following information: Example of an IBAN: QA01CBQA000000004010123456001 QA = Country code for Qatar 01 = Check digits (this number is used for confirming the validity of the IBAN) CBQA = SWIFT BIC code of Commercial Bank
Only your bank can confirm the correct bank account information. If you are making an important payment, which is time critical, we recommend to contact your bank first. Menu
Your bank routing number is a 9-digit code used to identify a financial institution in a transaction. It's based on the location of the bank where your account was opened. It is also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number or an ABA routing number and can be easily be found printed on the bottom left side of your check.
CBQAQAQAXXX SWIFT / BIC Code for THE COMMERCIAL BANK (Q.S.C) in DOHA, QATAR. Verify CBQAQAQA SWIFT / BIC code details for international money transfer transactions.
25 mar 2024 · A routing number is a nine digit code, used in the United States to identify the financial institution. Routing numbers are used by Federal Reserve Banks to process Fedwire funds transfers, and ACH(Automated Clearing House) direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated transfers.