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engaged the questions of what causes war and how humankind might eliminate war or at least bring it under greater control. Their efforts have led to a proliferation of theories but to no consensus as to the causes of war or of other forms of social violence. Scholars disagree not only on the specifi c causes of war, but also on how
leading theories of causes of war between nation-states, some familiarity with the causes of the 10-15 wars students select as their research projects, and a much deeper understanding of “their war.”
After a significant decline in the incidence of wars between states since World War II, could the world be moving back towards more frequent interstate crises and wars? Russia’s seizure of Crimea, its support of aggression in Ukraine, its threats against
These fundamental or primary causes of war explain why war repeatedly occurs in international politics, why war can occur at any moment. Thus scholars trace war to human nature, biological instincts, frustration, fear and greed, the existence of weapons, and similar fac-tors.
What caused the great wars of modem times? Of those causes, which were preventable? What are the likely causes of future wars, and how can those wars best be prevented? These are the questions I address. They are not new. Devising schemes to prevent war has been a philosophers' industry for centuries. Dante Ali
What can we do to bring ongoing wars to an end and to consolidate peace in their aftermath? This course addresses these questions, focusing on a variety of popular and scholarly explanations for war and peace.
War is the single most destructive social act in which humanity engages: while precise numbers are impossible to get, by many estimates in the twentieth century over 100 million people died as a direct result of war.