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Conjunctival pigmented lesions include a number of benign, pre-malignant and malignant melanocytic conditions that are classified according to their cause. These can be congenital or acquired, and include melanosis, naevi and melanomas.
1 wrz 2013 · PAM is most likely to be observed in fair-skinned individuals who are middle-aged or older. On slit-lamp examination, a flat, unilateral, patchy, golden yellow to brown area of pigmentation is seen. Examination of the cornea may also reveal pigment. PAM is almost always unilateral.
7 lis 2023 · Neoplasms affecting the conjunctiva can arise from epithelium or stroma, wherein melanocytic lesions arise from basilar melanocytes of the conjunctiva. Figure 1. Normal conjunctiva with small, inconspicuous melanocytes equally spaced and mostly confined to the basal layer of the conjunctival epithelium (H&E, 600×).
9 lis 2023 · Fitzpatrick type IV-VI skin types (Figures 2 and 3). Complexion-related melanosis classically involves the bulbar and limbal conjunctiva, often extending 360 degrees around the iris and limbus. Rarely, it can involve the palpebral conjunctiva. On histopathologic examination, there is increased melanin pigment
In this article, I will review the multiple causes of pigmentations of the conjunctiva and sclera and suggest an approach to therapy. Pigmented lesions of the conjunctiva or sclera can be either melanocytic or nonmelanocytic.
23 sie 2021 · As in the skin, a range of melanocytic lesions affect the conjunctiva and span from complexion-related melanosis to benign nevi to melanoma. These lesions can be triaged on their clinical appearance, but in some cases require histologic diagnosis.
The lesions are most unusual in the palpebral or forniceal conjunctiva. Malignant melanoma should be suspected if a nevoidlike lesion is found in these locations, 6 and a biopsy should be performed. All bulbar nevi are freely moveable unless they are hinged at the limbus.