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Learn about the different types of cat breeds and their characteristics. Find the perfect pet using our cat breed profile selector.
- Old-Style Siamese
PREOSSIA set the new breed application process in motion...
- Serengeti
Despite its exotic-sounding name, the Serengeti Cat is 100%...
- Cheetoh
The Cheetoh cat is a relatively new breed. Developed by...
- Chantilly / Tiffany
When the Chantilly cat breed was first registered, its...
- Pixie-Bob
As rumor has it, the Pixie-Bob cat breed got its start when...
- Oriental Bicolor
The organization granted recognition to white and colorpoint...
- Turkish Vankedisi
The breed originates in Eastern Turkey; specifically, it was...
- American Longhair
Some cat fancier associations allow American longhair cats...
- Old-Style Siamese
Browse through our list of cat breeds, and find the best cat for you.
Here at Catological, we have composed the biggest list of cat breeds you’ll ever find – with pictures, names, and additional information for each kitty. We’ve even included some extinct ones. There’s like literally 10,000 words here. If you can’t find it here, let us know, and we’ll add it!
Showing 1-20 of 79 items. Find out everything you need to know about all of the different cat breeds in this comprehensive cat breed A-Z list with pictures!
Cat breeds are determined by genetic characteristics and physical traits that align with specific breed standards set by cat registries. These standards include details about size, body shape, fur type, color patterns, and temperament.
Not sure which cat to buy or adopt? Compare cat breed side by side including pictures, size, personality and more via UK Pets.
Explore our comprehensive guide to cat breeds (A-Z) with beautiful photos. Learn about unique characteristics, health considerations, and find your perfect feline companion.