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Você foi contratada para ser governanta deste castelo hotel. Os hóspedes são muito exigentes e não admitem ficar esperando por muito tempo. Será que você dá conta do recado?
Castle Hotel - Manuela and Melvin have bought an old castle, and have completely renovated it to transform it.... Play Castle Hotel.
11 mar 2011 · Manuela and Melvin have bought an old castle, and have completely renovated it to transform it into a hotel. It's an exciting period for them, because after having made lots of efforts and investments, the time has finally come: the hotel will be opened!
11 mar 2011 · Manuela and Melvin have bought an old castle, and have completely renovated it to transform it into a hotel. It's an exciting period for them, because after having made lots of efforts and investments, the time has finally come: the hotel will be opened!
Castle Hotel Management: Manuela e Melvin compraram um castelo antigo e completamente renovado para torná-lo um hotel. Jogue Grátis e Divirta-se!
Manuela and Melvin have bought an old castle, and have completely renovated it to transform it into a hotel. It's an exciting period for them, because after having made lots of efforts and investments, the time has finally come: the hotel will be opened!
SEPTEMBER 2024. The best castle hotels near Porto, Portugal. Beautiful and peaceful manor houses, castle hotels or historic buildings with beautiful gardens, swimming pools and historic atmosphere.