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  1. Suggestions for Prayers and Readings to assist families and friends to prepare the funeral liturgy if attending or rememberin. Requiem and choose from the Churchs readin. In this way you can be closer in spirit with your loved one who has died. Please follow the simple instructions inside. ul resource is “Life is . Order of Service. REQUIEM MASS.

  2. In the intercessions at a funeral liturgy, the community responds to the proclamation of the Word of God by praying for the deceased and all the dead, for the bereaved and all who mourn, and for all present.

  3. A prayer for you: Father of all mercy and giver of all comfort, give hope to those who are sad, console those who still miss someone special, grant peace to those who are angry.

  4. Bidding Prayers (Example 1). Celebrant: God, the almighty Father, raised Christ his Son from the dead; with confidence we ask him to save all his people, living and dead. Reader: For N. who in baptism was given the pledge of eternal life, that he/she may now be admitted to the company of saints. R. Hear our prayer.

  5. Examples A. We remember with gratitude the gift that the life of Name was for us- his/her friendship, joy, smiles, intelligence (etc.) Lord hear us. We ask for God’s special presence for the family of Name. That their belief in God’s love for them, and our support will help them through their pain and sorrow. Lord hear us.

  6. Words of remembrance during Mass, should offer a loving glimpse of the deceased person’s life, Christian character and how the person touched the lives of others. As part of the remarks offered, it may be appropriate to: Thank people for their prayers, their support, and their presence.

  7. PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL. Choose four or five of the following. If you wish, compose some of your own or adapt some of these. Priest: In confidence we approach the throne of God’s grace, that we shall have mercy from him and find grace when we are in need of help.

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