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1 gru 2021 · Cardinal tetra fish lays her eggs on top of a thin layer of peat moss, encouraging hatching and growth. But what do Cardinal tetra eggs look like? Cardinal tetra eggs look like transparent, spherical objects that range from 0.50 to 0.65 millimeters in diameter.
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are freshwater fish that thrive in tropical and originate in South America. Learn everything about how to care for them. Aquapedia
Captive-bred juvenile at 4 weeks of age with blue lateral stripe clearly visible. In the rio Negro basin the water tends to be stained with humic substances as here, but this species is also found in habitats with clear, transparent water. Freshly-collected wild specimen from the rio Negro basin.
25 lut 2024 · If the male and female cardinal are successful and fertilize the eggs, the female will begin spawning and laying as many as 500 eggs. Once the eggs are laid, the parents should be removed from the breeding tank, or the aquarist should set up a temporary tank and place the eggs in there to prevent the parents from eating them.
5 gru 2022 · Cardinal Tetras are prolific egg layers, laying up to 500 eggs at a time. They prefer to lay their eggs in the roots of plants or other vegetation, where they will be protected from predators. The eggs hatch within 24 – 36 hours after they are laid, and the fry will become free-swimming within four days.
21 lis 2023 · The social and peaceful cardinal tetra is an active schooling fish that’s similar in appearance to the neon tetra. Learn more about how to care for this fish.
4 sty 2024 · After successful mating, female Cardinal Tetras will scatter their adhesive eggs into the plants or substrate. The eggs are transparent and small, measuring about 0.8mm in diameter. They will hatch within 24 to 36 hours, depending on the water temperature.