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  1. Find 32 synonyms for cardi and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus.

  2. 2 meanings: informal → another name for cardie informal → short for cardigan.... Click for more definitions.

  3. Define CARDI. CARDI synonyms, CARDI pronunciation, CARDI translation, English dictionary definition of CARDI. or n informal short for cardigan Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,...

  4. Define cardi-. cardi- synonyms, cardi- pronunciation, cardi- translation, English dictionary definition of cardi-. pref. Variant of cardio-. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

  5. Another way to say Cardi? Synonyms for Cardi (other words and phrases for Cardi).

  6. Definition. The prefix 'cardi-' originates from the Greek word 'kardia,' meaning heart. This term is widely used in medical terminology to refer to anything related to the heart, emphasizing its central role in the circulatory system.

  7. Get a quick, free translation! CARDI- meaning: 1. → cardio- 2. → cardio-. Learn more.

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