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In welding, carbon equivalent (CE) calculations are used to predict heat affected zone (HAZ) hardenability in steels. These CE equations can be used to establish criteria to predict cold-cracking, as they can predict maximum hardness.
1 sty 2021 · The International Institute of Welding (IIW) uses carbon equivalent value (CEV) [13, 14] to evaluate weldability. When CE ≤ 0.45%, the weldability is good; when CEV = 0.45~0.5%, the weldability...
In 1958, eighteen years after Dearden and O’Neill’s initial proposal on carbon equivalent (CE), the concept was accepted by British Standard BS2642[1]. The standard was then amended to include the following modified version of their equation: C+Si/24+Mn/6+Cr/5+Ni/13+. CE = (1) V/5+Mo/4+Cu/15.
CEN is given by: Yurioka [8] illustrated a good correlation between P cm and CEN for structural steels, low-alloy steels (Ni-Cr-Mo type) and carbon steels, provided the carbon content was less than 0.17 wt%. From this comparison the following relationship was derived: CEN = 2P cm - 0.092 (C ≤ 0.17%)
The carbon equivalent (CET) formula is convenient for analyzing Q + T steels and their cold cracking behavior. The CET equation gives information about the combined effects of different alloying elements, as compared to only carbon.
Pcm (Pcm =C+Si/30+(Mn+Cu+Cr)/20+Ni/60+Mo/15+V/10+5B) created by Ito and Bessyo in Japan and CEq (CEq=C+Si/25+(Mn+Cu)/16+Ni/40+Cr/10+Mo/15+V/10) devised by Düren became the public debut, where Pcm is commonly applied in modern steels containing no more than 0.11 wt% carbon typically in pipeline manufacture.
The equivalent carbon content concept is used on ferrous materials, typically steel and cast iron, to determine various properties of the alloy when more than just carbon is used as an alloyant, which is typical. The idea is to convert the percentage of alloying elements other than carbon to the equivalent carbon percentage, because the iron ...