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  1. LEARNING OBJECTIVES. To review the basics concepts of atomic structure that have direct relevance to the fundamental concepts of organic chemistry. This material is essential to the understanding of organic molecular structure and, later on, reaction mechanisms.

  2. A lewis structure showing the bonding in carbon dioxide. Oxygen's lone pairs are represented as lines rather than dots in this diagram. Choosing a central atom For compounds containing multiple elements with only one atom in the formula, the central atom is the least electronegative single atom that is not hydrogen.

  3. 1 Carbon – Element of Many Faces. The sixth in the periodic table of elements is, at the same time, among the most important ones. With about 180 ppm, carbon is only 17th on the list of terrestrial elements ’ frequency, situated even after barium or sulfur – for comparison, the second - most frequent element, silicon, is about 1300 ...

  4. understand why and how atoms form bonds. draw Lewis dot and line structures to represent chemical bonds. What is life? Why is an elephant alive but a table inert? Why are cells alive but their contents when transferred to a flask inanimate?

  5. The electron configuration and orbital diagram for carbon are: Nitrogen (atomic number 7) fills the 1 s and 2 s subshells and has one electron in each of the three 2 p orbitals, in accordance with Hund’s rule.

  6. Question : Determine the hybridisation of carbon in the following molecules or ions. Start by determining the Lewis structure, then count the number of σ-bonds attached to the carbon atom.

  7. Lesson 9 – Lewis Diagrams. Lessons 9 to 14 provides us with a discussion about Chemical Bonding, specifically covalent bonding and ionic bonding. We will learn how to predict the formulas and shapes of different molecules, and we will be introduced to the properties of matter that result in differing boiling and melting points. I. Atomic Orbitals.

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