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There are four different cluster areas of CAR. CAR (A): Human Nature, Relations and Development. CAR (D): Science, Technology and Environment. CAR (M): Chinese History and Culture. CAR (N): Cultures, Organisations, Societies and Globalisation. There are two additional requirements in CAR: i. Chinese Reading and Writing (CR/CW) Requirements* ii.
Fm時間到!大學reg科懶人包注意: 呢條片淨講cc!片中提及嘅網站:Official: ...
簡介 旨在拓寬學生視野,超越其專業範疇的認知,以培養學生解決問題能力以及跨學科的視角。 四大範疇: CAR (A):人性、關係及發展 CAR (D):科學、技術及環境 CAR (M):中國歷史與文化 CAR (N):文化、組織、社會與全球.
1 sty 2024 · 小弟sem 2打算讀car M,想問一下邊科係靚car🙏 - 港澳版,大學,香港理工大學
CAR includes broader range of academic subjects that use different paradigms, theoretical perspectives and methods of enquiry across the following four cluster areas. Click for the approved CAR subject list in each cluster area.
Under the 4-year curriculum structure, all students will need to complete 30 credits of GUR subjects, of which 12 credits must be from Cluster-Area Requirement (CAR) subjects. Students are required to complete at least 3 credits of CAR subjects that are labeled as “China Study Requirement” (CSR).
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